Wednesday, 1 June 2011

General Goa Beach Safety Tips

Tip 1...

Swim at Least 300 metres away from any river along the Goa beach
Currents come up mostly where a river or stream joins the sea. As the tide rises towards the high water mark, water slowly fills into the low-lying areas along the riverbanks. When the tide starts to fall (every six hours; from low to high and then vice versa), all this water rushes out through the river mouth, setting off a strong current that will sweep anybody or anything out to sea.

Tip 2...

Unless you are a strong swimmer, don't go in deeper than your waist
Far more common is the phenomenon of tourists drowning in water that's only an inch or two higher than they are. Look out towards the sea. Where the first few waves break, there are wave-like pits on the sea floor as well. If you stray too deep and accidentally slip into one of these, you could drown if you can't swim well, as the surf will batter you from the top and prevent you from getting a firm footing on the ground. Remember, the sea is much stronger than you are.

Tip 3...

Don't panic. Use the power of the waves to get back to shore
If you do get swept off your feet, don't thrash your hands and feet about. That leads to exhaustion. Concentrate on swimming towards the shore with every wave, until you can put your feet firmly down. Between waves, just concentrate on floating.

Tip 4...

Use a Flotation Device if you can
Can you swim at least two lengths of a 50-metre swimming pool non-stop? If you can't, you are not a strong swimmer. If you are not confident, take a flotation device with you. This could be a life jacket, an inflated car or tyre tube or even a thick, large sheet of thermacol. These will keep you afloat and alive, in the event that something goes wrong.

Tip 5...

Don't drink before diving. Listen to the lifeguard. stay in the swimming Area.
First, never, ever, drink alcohol before going into the sea. Being drunk can reduce your survival chances 10 times. Second, listen to the lifeguard. He's been trained to recognise signs of danger. Lastly, swim only in the designated swimming area (it will be marked with large orange floating beads on each Goa beach), where life-guards are keeping watch.

Items you must take on Goa beach!


This is probably the most important item in your beach bag. Make sure that you have sufficient sunscreen protection for yourself and your children. The sun's ultraviolet rays are at their strongest during the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., so limit your time in the sun during those hours. Choose a sunscreen lotion that is at the very least 15 SPF, more appropriate for children is an SPF of 30 or more. Be sure to adequately apply the sunscreen to all exposed skin, including ears, nose, and neck. Speak to your doctor about sunscreen and babies under 6 months of age.

Don't forget your lips!

Bring along sun protective lip balm with an SPF of 15 or more. An Aloe based after sun lotion is a great way to soothe your skin after a day in the sun, apply after your day at the Goa beach.

Protective Barriers

Sunglasses that block ultraviolet rays, sun hats with brims, and beach umbrellas are all wonderful items to have along for added protection. Babies under 6 months old should wear protective clothing, a brimmed sun hat, and if possible, baby sunglasses that protect from harmful UV rays. Babies should not spend a lot of time in the sun, but when they are, keep them protected! A first aid kit with band aids, an antibiotic cream, and other essentials is an excellent idea as well.

Chairs & Blanket

There are chairs made specifically for the beach, they sit low to the ground and fold up neatly, often they include a handy shoulder strap. Don't count on the beach having chairs for its guests. A blanket is another nice thing to bring along. Not only is it comfortable to sit on, but it's a welcome comfort from the hot sand on bare feet.

Sand & Water Toys

Kids love digging and building in the sand, it's a must for a Goa beach visit. There is a huge variety of toys on the market made specifically for water play. Nerf balls and lightweight canvas Frisbee discs are great because they float and often come in neon colors so they can be seen easily. Don't forget the standard shovels and pails, sand diggers, and sand sifters -- great for building sand castles, sifting for shells and rocks, and pouring water into makeshift motes. Bring along a plastic jar to collect shells. A butterfly or small fishing net can be loads of fun for catching small minnows near lake shorelines. And let's not forget the old beach standby, the beach ball. Squirting water toys are also a blast and can keep the kids busy for hours. Goggles and water masks are great, but can be easily lost in the water. Be sure to bring along extras. There are hundreds of different kinds of beach and water toys, bring along what your family will enjoy.

Floatation Devices

Most public beaches do not allow items such as floating rafts, noodles, or "arm floaties" as they are not Coast Guard approved swim or safety wear. Check with your beach lifeguards or town officials to see what they will or will not allow. Coast Guard approved life jackets are welcome and recommended for young swimmers, even those who have recently learned to swim, for safety purposes. Many beaches offer free loaner lifejackets, or they offer them for a nominal fee.

Extra Towels

Bring towels along for each member of your family, this goes without saying. Bringing along an extra or two cannot hurt, especially if little Timmy decides to take his into the water with him.

Water & Snacks

Being in the sun can quickly dehydrate you. Bring along bottled water, enough for everyone in your family. Check with your beach and see if coolers are allowed so that you can keep it nice and cold. If your beach does allow coolers, this is a great way to save money on snacks. Instead of buying from the Goa beach concession stand, bring along fresh fruit, pretzels, cold sandwiches and carrot sticks.

Extra Clothing

Bringing along an extra T-shirt or pair of shorts is not a bad idea. If your Goa beach trip will continue on into the evening, bring a windbreaker or sweat jacket for everyone, just in case the temperature dips down. Be sure that everyone has adequate footwear, swim shoes are a great idea as well, especially for rocky beaches.

Preserving Memories

Don't forget your camera! You can purchase waterproof disposable cameras to capture all of those sunny moments. Inexpensive disposable cameras are even available for underwater use.

Your Goa Beach Survival Kit

Now that you are ready to head off to the Goa beach, here's a summarization of everything we have suggested. Check each item off to see if you are ready to roll!
  • ___ sunscreen (at least 15 SPF)
  • ___ lip balm 
  • ___ aloe after sun lotion 
  • ___ first aid kit 
  • ___ sun hat 
  • ___ sunglasses 
  • ___ beach umbrella 
  • ___ chairs blanket 
  • ___ pail & shovel 
  • ___ Nerf type ball and/or lightweight nylon Frisbee disc 
  • ___ sand digger and sifter 
  • ___ goggles or masks 
  • ___ plastic jar for collecting shells 
  • ___ life jackets 
  • ___ towels (and extras) 
  • ___ bottled water 
  • ___ snacks (if allowable) 
  • ___ extra clothing and footwear 
  • ___ water/swim shoes 
  • ___ waterproof disposable camera 


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